Un homme de 24 ans a été tué à Severn, au Maryland, jeudi soir. A 24-year-old man was fatally shot outside his home in Severn, Maryland, on Thursday night.
Karon Makhai Cann, un homme de 24 ans, a été tué à Severn, Maryland, le 3 février, vers 19 h 10. La police pense que la fusillade a été prise pour cible. A 24-year-old man, Karon Makhai Cann, was fatally shot outside his home in Severn, Maryland, on February 3, around 7:10 p.m. Police believe the shooting was targeted. Cann a été transporté à l'Université du Maryland Baltimore Washington Medical Center, où il est mort de ses blessures. Cann was transported to the University of Maryland Baltimore Washington Medical Center, where he died from his injuries. L'Unité des homicides du comté d'Anne Arundel enquête et elle demande à quiconque de les contacter. The Anne Arundel County Police Homicide Unit is investigating, and they are urging anyone with information to contact them.